seeing as...
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タイトルにもある「として見る(seeing as)」とは、哲学者ルートヴィヒ・ヴィトゲンシュタインの言語哲学の概念で、ある対象物に対する「見方」についての意識的な知覚の関係を言い表したものです。美術作品におけるタイトルは、まさに「〜として見る」ことを鑑賞者に要請するものです。AIの命名した(おそらく本当のタイトルではない)タイトルによって、鑑賞体験にどのような知覚の変化が生じるでしょうか。
Seeing as... is a work in which AI is asked to name the "titles" of various objects. The AI recognizes the observed object with a camera and uses an image identification algorithm to deduce what the object is. Using terms associated with the results, a title is named once a minute, and the content of the caption attached to the device changes. "Seeing as" in the title is a concept from philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy of language, which describes a conscious perceptual relationship about how one "sees" an object. In general, the title of a work of art requires the viewer to see the work as something that is presented in the title, so what kind of perceptual change in the viewing experience might be brought about by a title named by an AI (perhaps not a real title)? This work, created based on the same concept as "hogehoge" in this exhibition, encourages us to reconsider the relationship between a certain institutionalized object and its title when we view something.
Excerpts from the introduction of the works in his solo exhibition "hogehoge" at Gallery Muryo, Toyama, Japan.
This text was translated with DeepL.com.